Spring Report from Yorkshire in Bloom Judges


In only its second year the dedicated and enthusiastic In Bloom group is making a clear impression in Holbeck through it’s wide ranging environmental activities. The organisational abilities of its members and the extent of support from public and private partnerships are bringing new life to the community which is undergoing considerable changes due to a number of current development opportunities.

Section A: Horticultural Achievement

Areas of Achievement

The bold planting in appropriately substantial wooden and other planters strategically located to create the greatest impact within a predominantly urban environment. The quality and variety of the plants in containers on the frontage to Ingram Road Primary School together with the introduction of more sustainable planting. The attempts to introduce colour within the very limited front gardens of back to back houses encouraged by the gardens competition introduced by the In Bloom group. The clearance of the overgrown areas at the top of Tilburys and introduction of new plantings.

Areas for Improvement

Consideration might be given to some wall plantings adjacent the new raised beds at the Community Centre. Replanting of the shrub border adjacent St Matthews Community Centre together with the introduction of larger hanging baskets on the building to create more impact.

Section B: Environmental Responsibility

Areas of Achievement

The excellent environmental partnerships that have been developed with over 30 public and private sponsors and supporters enabling resources to be made available to bring about a wide range of environmental improvements. The introduction of bird and bat boxes at the top of Tilburys following the clearance of the overgrown vegetation. The plans to introduce wild flower areas at the local school. The on-going development of the Green Corridor project along the historic walking route between Holbeck and Leeds City centre and the innovative plans to introduce further wildflower meadows on vacant land and Holbeck Meadows to attract bees and butterflies which was featured in the recent BBC Television’s Bees, Butterflies and Blooms programme. The funding of additional litter bins by private contributions is a very positive step and the fact that Leeds city council has agreed to empty them and to add additional bins as well is very commendable.

Areas for Improvement

Introduction of Interpretation boards in the community raised beds at St Matthews Community Centre. Introduction of perennial wild flower seed mix instead of annual sowings. More evidence of the recycling activities taking place within the community. Although it was very clear that great efforts have been made in controlling litter we felt that there was still more to be done. We understand the new litter bins will make a difference and we look forward to seeing an improvement in the summer. Continue to encourage businesses and residents to make the most of their own frontages and to keep them free of litter and graffiti.

Section C: Community Participation

Areas of Achievement

Clear evidence of all-year-round planning and involvement by the In Bloom Group and its numerous partners, particularly evidenced by the portfolio and excellent visual display of achievements throughout the year and proposed future development. The introduction of the Tools Loan Scheme at the Holbeck Community Centre enabling and encouraging residents to improve their own gardens/frontages and to participate in the wider community improvement projects. Good generation of awareness through posters, In Bloom signs, press articles, the Holbeck in Bloom blog site and the quarterly South Leeds Life magazine enabling excellent publicity to be given to the work of the group and its partners. Participation by other local organisations and local residents demonstrating good support for the competition. The wide range of funding opportunities being pursued from grant-making bodies, public sector bodies and local resources through year-round fundraising activities, sponsorship and practical help in kind.

Areas for Improvement

Whilst fully recognising the difficulties presented by the transitory residential population, maintain and where possible develop current levels of local community participation particularly by the local school. As discussed consider a dedicated web site for the In Bloom Group. It was suggested by the judges that it may be possible for Holbeck in Bloom to get funding from “awards for all” for replacement of the fencing around the ball court at Holbeck community centre.

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